I bagged myself 58 seed potatoes at the fair, of 7 different varieties. Sharpe's Express (1st Earlies), Yukon Gold & Royal Kidney (2nd Early), Charlotte (Salad), Ratte, Highland Burgundy & Arran Victory (Maincrop). All labeled now and quietly chitting.
If you've never heard this classic bit of radio quiz show regarding spuds, enjoy. I hope the link works.
Aren't International the original Jersey Royals?
Yes, I was a bit tired when I posted but have corrected the entry. International Kidney and Jersey Royal are the same animal. What I have is Royal Kidney which is an Archibald Findlay variety very like the International.
Thanks for the sound clip!
It brought a big chuckle to my dull afternoon reading student dissertations.
Couldn't get to the fair in the end but really enjoyed that clip. Hilarious. Where did you come by it?!
I remembered having heard it several years ago, and just googled it.
Hi I am looking for information about the potato raiser Archibald Findlay and his work. He was my great great grandfather and I think in his day he would have been fairly well known and I am interested in finding out more about him. Any information about him and his potatoes or even tips as to where i could get information from would be very much appreciated! Thanks.
There's a fair bit of information about Findlay out there. John Reader's new book Propitious Esculent has a few pages but be warned. You might not like everything you find out about the old rogue. :)
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