A musca domestica, by the warmth of my parlor has lengthened out his life; & existence to this time: he usually basks on the jams of the chimney within the influence of the fire after dinner, & settles on the table, where he sips the wine & tastes the sugar & baked apples. If there comes a very severe day he withdraws & is not seen."
Gilbert White, December 27th 1780Today I tapped a greeting on the beehive and heard a "Buz-uzz" in reply. The Natural History Museum has a live
Beecast, but they must have all been huddled together off camera when I looked.

A post card from
bzzz bzzz bzzz I wonder why the does.
I guess you meant to put 'she' does?
Glenn is a very talented man and is destined for great success one day, if his keepers ever allow him to use a sharpened pencil.
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