Sunday, January 25, 2009

Home from the Hunt

...And here are the spoils. A total of fifty tubers of 7 varieties. Most are old favourites, but a couple that I haven't grown before - Skerry Blue & Shetland Black - which I look forward to trying. As it is recommended that the Shetland Black be steamed whole with the skin on, it might be just the spud for 'The Invalid's Mashed Potato'.
"Steam one pound of Potatoes, with their jackets on, until they are mealy; peel them, and rub them through a wire sieve; when cool, add a small teacupful of fresh cream, and a little salt, beating the mash lightly up as you go on until it is quite smooth, and then warming it gently for use."


emmat said...

god your pictures are always so gorgeous...

what potato fair did you go to? Or do you just have a really really well-endowed (tuber-wise) friend~?

emmat said...

sorry, I failed to read the post before... !

Misshathorn said...

Thank you Emma. Yes, I'm lucky to have a very good Potato fair that is less than a mile away.