Monday, September 22, 2008

Colour Supplement

"The chief virtues of the Carrot lie in the strong antiseptic qualities which it possesses, as preventative of putrescent changes either within the body, or when applied externally. The sugar of Carrots can be collected from their inspissated juice, and used at table, being excellent for the coughs of consumptive persons. For preparing Carrot juice, rub cleansed Carrots with a grater, and squeeze their juice through a clean cloth; then boil it, with, or without sugar, skimming carefully the while. When it no longer froths take it off the fire, and let it cool. Then strain it through a cloth, and pour it into glasses. A teaspoon thereof may be taken several times in the day for subduing a troublesome cough, or as a quieting nervine cordial."
Meals Medicinal Curative Foods from the Cook; in place of Drugs from the Chemist by W.T.Fernie 1905
The 'Purple Dragon' carrots are coming up in a variety of colours but mostly not purple. Which is fine. They taste good. Below is a guide to the health benefits associated with the various pigments you find in carrots, courtesy of the USDA. Click on the picture to make it readable.

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